Option for action assignees to not automatically become followers: differentiate between "assigned to me" and "followed by me"
Maria Steger
New subactions are unfortunately automatically assigned to the parent actions assignee(s). When an action is reassigned (for good reason), the original assignees remain followers and will get a lot of notifications. There is no easy way for the action creator to unfollow for them.
The distinction would allow improving user experience with regard to notifications and clarity of views:
Log In
Kelley Bunge
Maria Steger
Please make sure this feature also covers actions assigned to teams.
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Nicole Halpert
under review
Maria Steger
Nicole Halpert: This would open up the option to have a separate tab in the notifications panel exclusively for actions we follow (https://hiveteams.canny.io/feature-requests/p/notifications-panel-add-tab-for-actions-followed-by-me)