Search within chat
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Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
Maria Steger
The search function now covers chat messages, but does not find replies in threads:
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Search Function Within Chat
Helena Starrs
A search function within messaging would be particularly helpful to reference documents and certain phrases/terms mentioned previously without having to scroll back forever.
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Search functionality in Hive Chat
Brenna McDonald
Would be helpful to be able to search Hive Chat messages, so if you need to refer back to a previous message, you can easily find it!
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Search function in chat rooms
진영 조
I wish I can search some words in each chat room so I can find specific conversation I had with my coworkers.
It's just such time-wasting to scroll up forever to find a convo when you can just ctrl+f and find the word that you used in that convo.
Please consider to develop the function!!
Maria Steger
Andrea Buskirk
PLEASE! I can't tell you how much time is wasted going back to try and find a conversation that was referenced or better yet a past document that was sent. Being able to search your chats for attachments would save so much time!
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Chat Search
Alyssa Jahn
PLEASE add a search feature in the chat! It's so hard to scroll back an entire month to find a specific item that was discussed.
Maria Steger
Maria Steger
Helena Starrs
You can use the search box to search for chat messages.
Click in the search bar, select the tab "Messages" (and filter if necessary).
It would be more user-friendly if there was a search box in the chat window.
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