Provide option for subaction statuses to either be changed with main action status or not (right now they auto change)
Winshen Liu
When changing status of parent action, whether in status view, table view or action card, prompt user to update all subaction statuses at the same time or to only change parent actions.Prompt should show the same as it does when adding labels to a parent action with subactions (see attachment for copy)_________________________________________Ivana @ SEO BrothersBrenda @ ScaleCan you make it so that changing the status of an action DOES NOT change the statuses of all subactions automatically?Example:We have an action for On-Page optimization with 4 subactions in it. When we start work on this action, I need it to be in progress, but not all it's subactions too. So like you ask if you would assign all subtasks to same user when assigning action, can you add that same option to action status?Right now, when changing an action status, all subaction statuses change as well. It is often the case that many of the subactions are unstarted, while the parent action and 1 or 2 subactions are in progress. We now have to manually change the subaction statuses (and there are a lot of subactions)Solution: When changing action card status, prompt used to change all subaction statuses at the same time or just change the action status (like the change label prompt)
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Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
This request should not be marked complete.
Parent and subaction statuses are still coupled (without a prompt) in a number of scenarios:
— when a subaction is created, it will have the parent action's status
— when you mark the parent action complete, all subactions will be marked complete as well
Kelley Bunge
Maria Steger: It's expected that newly created subactions will take on the status of the parent by default. Please reach out to if you're experiencing an issue with marking actions complete! That is unexpected.
Aymii Couzelis
Maria Steger: I agree. Hive used to ask if I wanted to change the status of the subactions as well, but now it's just changing all of them based on the parent's status. Something has changed and it's created a HUGE problem for us. Is there a setting that needs to be re-enabled on my side or something?
Maria Steger
Aymii Couzelis: You can upvote this request asking to uncouple parent and subaction status at creation of subaction:
I agree that the feature seems to remain a bit buggy.
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
It is no longer working. :-( Subaction statuses auto-change when the parent action status is changed!
There is a new request with 13 votes from two days ago:
This older request should be merged:
If the new feature also covers this request, it should be merged, too:
Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Opening Completed Action Cards keeps all subactions at current state.
Leah Hess
If someone accidentally marks a 'parent' action card complete, and people are still working on unstarted 'child' action cards, if you mark the 'parent' action card as open again, it will automatically mark all 'child' actions as unstarted again. There is no dialogue box to even ask if you'd like this change to affect the child action cards.
I would like child action cards to remain in the same state as they 'currently' would be in ... ie) if parent is accidentally marked completed but some child tasks are unstarted or completed - marking the parent as 'in progress' would not shift a completed child action card to unstarted.
Maria Steger
Maria Steger
Please vote here:
This request is marked as "in progress".
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Aymii Couzelis
Hooray! It’s planned!!! This is the bane of my existence.
Kelley Bunge
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