Drag actions to subactions in Table View, same you do in Gantt view
Albert Vilar
Now you can take subactions out converting them into actions by dragging them, but not the other way around.
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Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Nicole Halpert
under review
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Ability to bulk drag multiple actions underneath a subaction in table view
Winshen Liu
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
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Move Multiple Actions to Subactions in Table View
Jennie Palluzzi
Ability to drag multiple actions into subactions in the Table view just like in Gantt.
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge Please merge: https://hiveteams.canny.io/feature-requests/p/move-multiple-actions-to-subactions-in-table-view
Leah Hess
Yes - currently if you try to drag a sub-action to an action card that does not have any sub-actions, it will just drop below it. I have a workaround by creating a dummy subaction - because if there is one then you can add more.
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Bulk Move Subactions in Table view
Gina Lockwood
Provide the ability to move subactions in table view in bulk
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