Current State: Creating a new label makes it available across the entire organization and is creating a long list of labels to go through. It would be nice to have different buckets of labels that could be chosen. Being able to create a label that is only specific to a project and it's child projects would be nice
under review
Tyler Templeton
It would clean up the long list of labels and allow a more free use of label naming. We wouldn't need to manage or try to delete excess or duplicate labels.
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Tyler Templeton
Saw this one is now under review, hope it gets implemented! Thanks!
John Furneaux
under review
David Bier
Excellent product request Tyler. I'm also in need of this functionality. I'd like to be able to create sets of labels and then A) associate one or more sets with a project, and B) select one or more labels from these sets to then use of the project.
Heather Overton
It would be nice to be able to merge labels and restrict access to the admin level
Kendra Lowe
Or even user lables
Cameron Jordan
Or to be able to bucket labels by team could be great.
Cassie Hayes
I agree with this - although we've learned there is a way to make labels only for a specific project.
Chris Bate
I would add to that, that there is a need for global labels as well as project specific labels, so the ability to do both would be good.