Support 'Internal version' option for Proofs which are not visible to external approvers
under review
Kathy Sanderson
Stemming from the need for:
(1) The ability to hide certain versions of a proof from "External approvers"
(2) The ability to hide annotations from "External approvers"
It's very common to have multiple internal revisions before sending work for a client or external approver to review. While internal revisions happen often at the start of work on a job, they can happen at any point even after a client's initial review. These internal versions often include changes, work-in-progress, annotations, and context that is undesirable for an external approver to see.
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Eric Typaldos
under review
Eric Typaldos
Merged in a post:
Hide annotations for external approvers
Marco Hess
We would love to have an option for "internal annotations" or to hide annotations for external approvers. Because we use this feature for internal and external approval (clients) and we miss a way to give personal feedbacks to the creator in the same process.