Show project hierarchy in list, table, my action views
Dan James
It would be really useful if the various list views (My Actions, Table and the new List View) allowed you to see the action in its total hierarchy. This would be especially useful when filtering to Unstarted or overdue actions. Right now, I either don't filter, and end up with a huge list that's mostly completed actions, or I filter to that and can only see the action name and the project name.
What I'd like to see is a series of disclosure triangles to show me the parent action tree, all the way up to the project itself, so I can know where it sits. If a parent action is complete and the sub-action is somehow incomplete, or if there are multiple sub-actions that aren't completed and others that are, only show the completed ones necessary to display the hierarchy.
Basically, I would like to use my actions and list views to understand what I have to work on next, and doing that by project, action, etc. is supremely useful (and my org often doesn't use phases, so can't even do that)
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Maria Steger
Hive should consistently show the full hierarchy and not just the immediate parent action in all of the following scenarios:
- full hierarchy in Notes
- full hierarchy when selecting dependencies
- full hierachy in notifications
- full hierarchy in My Actions
- parent and grandparent action columns in Table View
At this point, the table in Gantt View is the only place where you can see where an action sits within a project hierarchy.