Show name of action in subaction in calendar view
Winshen Liu
As a user, I want to be able to see the name of the action in the subaction card in calendar view, so that I know that the subaction is related to. If I have the same subactions across multiple actions, it's impossible to differentiate
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Maria Steger
@ Everyone interested: Please vote for the following related requests as well.
Hive should consistently show ALL higher-level actions and not just the immediate parent action in all of the following scenarios:
- full paths of actions added to Hive Notes
- full paths when selecting dependencies
- full paths in notifications
- full paths in My Actions
- parent action column in Table View
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Show Full Relationship to Parent Actions in Calendar View
Gina Lockwood
Currently, Calendar View only Displays the lowest-level actions in the action hierarchy. The calendar view lines read: Project Name > Action Title. With Calendar View only displaying the lowest level actions, there is no indication in this view of that action's parent.
Ideally, this view would display ALL actions. Additionally, this view would also show the full action path in the title, or on hover!
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Show the Parent Action card title in the Calendar View
Charlotte Porter
It would be helpful if the subactions showed the Parent action's title.
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Parent actions visible in calendar
Peter Byrom
Please can you show the parent action paths for any sub actions which appear on the calendar view. e.g. if the path is: "Christmas podcast episode > submit final edit", then the "submit final edit" sub action on the calendar should show that path (otherwise, people are left guessing and needing to click through to find out which parent action the sub action is associated with, which is inefficient).
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge Gina Lockwood
Please merge:
Jaclyn Wilson
This is actually critical for us. Right now, we're not able to get an email calendar view that is helpful within Hive because all of the email launch subactions have the same name (1st invite, follow-up email, etc). We don't have context into what the email is for. Pulling in the parent action would solve this.
Peter Byrom
Please implement this asap! Not being able to see the full hierarchy makes the calendar view unusable in some instances. For example, if the project is being used as a podcast production board, with the actions representing the episode, and the sub-actions representing the discreet steps.
PROJECT: Podcast Production
ACTION: Episode #89: Are Bees Going Extinct?
SUB-ACTION: Record episode
But the current calendar view will only show:
PROJECT: Podcast Production
SUB-ACTION: Record episode
...which is not much use! Because I will see loads of calendar items called "record episode", which don't make it clear which episode they're referring to!
Detleph Bush
Yes good suggestion!