Search by label, dates, assignee or custom fields
Christopher Niebauer
We have created custom fields to track bugs and releases. Ability to search and group these together will aid in narrowing issues or grouping them. Searching by date or date range without having to download Excel can aid in narrowing time frames if a bug is pushed.
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Michelle VanLaningham
We too have custom fields added for our tracking system. Please make searching them easier.
Chris Italiano
We are sorely in need of a way to search custom fields. We store some data therein to cross-reference projects and actions to other objects in other business systems. It would save a lot of time/effort to be able to quickly jump to a project or action by searching for data in a custom field.
Michelle Weeks
Would be great if the improved search functionality was expanded further to include custom fields. Most of the data we would want to quickly look up is set as a custom field and currently you cannot search these, only filter them, which is not helpful if you have an open text field that contains a key phrase you want to search for, or when you have a lot of projects with the same field and many of them were archived due to limitations of table view, etc and now are not easily able to be relocated.