Read receipts across all chats with date/time
Winshen Liu
It would be great if a read receipt with the date and time was given after every chat message. Knowing that my co-worker has read or not read a chat message can be very important since we work remotely.
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Maria Steger
Noor Al Mousa
Would be very useful to have this feature especially for action cards and comments of those cards. It's a big help when managing a large number of projects and requires a lot of communication
Rashed AlFadala
This feature is very important, we are left with calling/whatsapp individual to confirm if they have read the messages. Same goes to Action Card comments.
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Seen Mode on Direct Message and Comments
Capex 2022
It would be very helpful if it has "seen mode" on direct messages and comments. In this way, we will know if the message has been read already even without replies.
Capex 2022
Yes! It would be very helpful if it has "seen mode" on direct messages and comments. In this way, we will know if the message has been read already even without replies.
Maria Papadakis
I second this please !
Maria Steger
Very very very important!! You need to be able to see whether a team member has read the message you sent to him.
Winshen Liu