Quick select option for all child or all parent projects in Portfolio View
Ozge Caliskan
MindGym would like to have the ability to quickly select all parent level projects or all child level projects when using the Portfolio View. This is currently very manual and time consuming for those teams who have a long list of parent and child projects in their workspace.
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Jennifer Ondrasik
Andrew Naisawald It would be super helpful if we could select a parent project and any newly created nested child project(s) would automatically be added to the portfolio view. Right now we need to manually go in and select the newly added project.
It would also be helpful if that parent project could be hidden in the portfolio view. The parent project often clutters up the sorting/filtering & doesn't usually contain any actions, as it's often just a placeholder/roll-up project. Let me know if I should create another feature request for this piece.
Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
under review
Ozge Caliskan
@Richelieu Team needs this well! Andrew Chambers Jill Spern Krista Komoroski Please feel free to include your feedback here.
Krista Komoroski
Ozge Caliskan: Thanks Oz! We echo the comments noted above for Mind Gym.