Ideally, all fields that can be exported from Hive timeline would be included in the ability to import. The following fields are in the Export, the bold ones are interesting: project, parent, status, earliest, start date, due date, due time, assignees, labels, priority level, description, created by, created date, modified by, modified date, modified at, completed date, completed by, urgent, milestone, phase, planned start date, planned end date, attachments present, recurring ID, estimate, difference, total time tracked. It only seems logical that these fields can be used for both import/export, which would completely change our ability to automate timeline creation and ultimately will help evolve us to ONLY use Hive for timeline management.
Further, this will help with using RESOURCE MANAGEMENT as we could upload estimates into the system, enabling this amazing poweful function. that's why this has to be a highest priority enhancement.
Users / Use case
All users who route experience this when they attempt to navigate multiple rounds and stages.
Goal / Outcome - How will we know if this project is successful? How will the outcome be measured?
When a button that allows the global collapse/expand is available