I have a project with a fleshed-out dependency chain. For the most part, only the parent cards have those dependencies, and the child tasks are all intended to be completed in one go, as a checklist, before the parent card is auto-marked completed.
Unfortunately, in testing this out, my My Actions list shows the parent card as an action, and correctly marks it blocked, and then proceeds to list the child tasks individually, but shows them as ready to be worked (completely oblivious to the parent dependencies).
What'd I'd like to have is:
1--My actions can be set to only show parent cards (child tasks not even shown on My Actions, as it's just clutter).
2--But if the Child tasks are present, they show as blocked if the parent card is blocked, especially when I have Strict Scheduling enabled.
I do not want to have to add the parent card's dependencies to each and every task, and end up spamming every card's Dependency summary section with non-sensical tasks.
For example, currently, I might have:
Website Design
Main content
Website Development (dependent on Website Design being complete)
Main content
As a Dev, my My Actions would currently say I am NOT cleared to start Website Development, but AM cleared to start Header, Main content, and Footer. What!? Just show me Website Development (no child tasks), and show it as blocked (incl. the children, if shown).
If I were to add the parent dependencies to the child tasks, then when I click on my Website Design card, my Dependencies section would be spammed with:
Header is waiting on this
Main content is waiting on this
Footer is waiting on this
Not only is this not helpful and a waste of space, but I don't know what these tasks are. I have no context. Are they my Header, Main content, and Footer tasks? How can I be waiting for myself? Is it somebody else's?
We have an extensive project plan (~450 actions), and I dread life with each one having duplicated dependencies, rather than just their parent cards.
Please help! Thanks