Different Cost and Charge Out Rates
Emma Ruefli
We would like to be able to have more flexibility around charge out and cost rates on specific projects. At the moment we can only add one invoice rate and one cost rate per resource. With our clients we have different rates against different tasks and projects. More flexibility with this feature would be excellent.
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Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Gina Lockwood
under review
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
The following two requests should be merged with this request:
Here is a request asking to apply bill rates by category instead of project:
Erica Hanz
Assuming that the idea of the cost rate field is a way to track the actual amount per hour that the resource represents the company by project, we need a way to report cost rate vs bill rate to allow us insight into how profitable the project was.
Markos Brotzakis
We have the same issue. We need more flexibility and differentiation. For Billing we have billable and non-billable hours that need to be accounted. We need also a report to track costs per project
Jessica Hartsfield
We have the same situation. Currently the budget area on the home page is not useful as it burns the hours at the same rate which is inaccurate and gives management a false view of resource use.