Delete Due Date when Changing Status to On Hold/Cancelled
Amber Stricker
We would like to request that due dates are automatically removed when someone updates the status to "On Hold / Cancelled" or when we create a Workflow button that changes the status to On Hold / Cancelled. We would like the due dates removed any time a project is cancelled so that it does not show up under the Calendar view.
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Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Kelley Bunge
under review
CC Kermen
This would be great as an option for cancelled projects. However, we often want to maintain the due date when an action is in "on hold" status because we typically expect that to be a temporary situation and we don't always want or need to adjust the due date.
Maria Steger
Amber Stricker
I believe it is something that could easily be set up in Hive Automate.
Amber Stricker
Maria Steger: Ok, but that is a premium add-on, correct? Is there any way to do this without automate?
Maria Steger
Amber Stricker: I don't think so. :-(