Meredith Whatley
Gina Lockwood Are there plans to make this dynamic on the form? Rather than all submissions from that form becoming a subaction on the same action card - making it a field on the form so that the person filling out the form can select where the item should appear in the workspace?
Gina Lockwood
Maria Steger
Gina Lockwood
Looks like this request can be marked as complete? :-)
Gina Lockwood
Maria Steger: Thanks Maria! The robot should be by soon to mark all of our updates from this week complete. :)
Gina Lockwood
Merged in a post:
Submit form as a sub-action of an action card of a project
Steeve Vaz
Could we please request for a an additional field in forms, like smart projects where after selecting the project we also have the option to select the action card from that project as well? So, once the form is submitted it can be embedded into an action card as a sub-action instead of a separate action by itself? I had asked a query and was informed by HIVE to request for this feature. Would be very helpful .
Gina Lockwood
in progress
Gina Lockwood
under review
Kelley Bunge
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Map a form submission to an existing action
Winshen Liu
Similar to dynamic projects - have a field in Hive forms that allows you to choose from a dropdown of existing actions. The form would then populate as a subaction in the chosen action.Original Use case (DON'T NEED FOR THIS CUSTOMER ANYMORE) - FleishmanHillard submits 'change order requests' using forms. Those requests pertain to an action that has already been created in Hive so instead of creating a new action from the form, it would be helpful to just add that form to the existing action for added traceability.Other ideas:Dependency linkingMaking it easier to change action to a subaction of another in HiveUse case - Boston College team requires a multi-step form submission process:First form submitted to flag the requested date for a marketing email to go out --> requestor asks for a date, action is for the marketing team to check the calendar if there are other emails scheduled to go out and they confirm to the requestor and the requestor gets a unique ID for their request. Action card is added to the calendar in Hive with the due date.Second form is submitted closer to the date of the email going live and contains the copy, images, etc. From this point the developer works on it, and collaborates with this person to edit and approve the email. This information would be sent to the action card that exists, and the action template that is applied with the form submission would key off the due date of the action card.Requires a lookup for the requestor to find the right action card and send their request there.> Look up would be based on a form submission ID (or simple action ID)Discussion with JF:If a form has a target action ID, the fields up-serts into the current fieldsAdd a field on a form which is, "what action ID should this be attached to?" which can be filled in with a query param"Forms" section on an action card: pick a form, email address, and then it sends a link to the form ("request more info". Then, on the action card you can see the status (in send state)Spec for how it would work:Under the 3 dots menu > "Request form submission" > Modal open like dependency search where you pick the form > [Send request] button to confirmPops open a Hive email modal with subject, and body copy filled in. (see attached)You enter the email address of the personYou can add the form link you want to send (how to quickly pop this in?)This adds a comment to the action card "Erin requested a form submission from [email address]" - same as shared on Slack notificationWhen the person fills in the form, the submission is added to the description of the action card
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Create Subactions Based On Form Answers
Alyssa Grove
It will allow to do lists (subactions) to auto populate in projects based on client needs
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
Kelley Bunge
Merged in a post:
Forms functionality
Winshen Liu
I would like to be able to map form questions to subactions. That would streamline the intake process for new projects.
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