Approval Template: Due Dates should relationally adjust to Action Card due date like Sub-Action Templates do
Brij Hall-Potnis
Currently, one can create an Action Card template with Sub-Actions that can have relational dates like: 10 days before Action Card due date or 30 days after; which automatically adjust to the due date of the Action Card when that template is applied.
It would be very helpful for Approval Templates due dates to do so too. In other words, when an Approval Template it applied, it should adjust the due dates for the various Stages relationally to the due date of the Action Card (based on parameters specified when that Approval Template was made.
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Noel Howell
Would this mean I can have a duration on an action template (e.g. 2 days)?
Rudra Banerji
Agreed. I accidentally saved an approval round template and the dates I had set were baked in for the day I had set them. That makes little sense for a template. I was surprised they were even included.
Reanette Fillmer Etzler
Yes, please