Action card completion percentage
Roberto Miranda
It would be helpful if action cards had a % completion depending on how many of its subactions were completed.
This will help teams visualize their work who handles many subactions.
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Katelin Miles
Alison McQuillan
There should be an option to base the percentage on number of tasks, duration or time estimates too.
Maria Steger
Kelley Bunge
Daniel Sperfslage
Hi, I think it would make sense that a user or project manager can type in from their knowledge the %complete per task. Then the parent would calculate % complete from all of the children. I also think it would be nice to show graphically a progress in the Gantt chart graphic the % complete.
Deylin Sevilla
Pueden incluir el % de avance para las tareas madres, tareas resumen y tareas individuales? Esta función es indispensable para la gestión de proyectos, considero urgente la liberen en el siguiente release de la plataforma.