Ability to show consistent data without inviting people to a project
under review
Keely Taylor
Currently, Dashboard's data visibility is based on permission to projects.
However, sometimes the user needs to show the data to leadership/board and cannot invite them to all projects in Hive. It would be great if there was a feature to share all data in a Dashboard, even if a user does not have access to projects.
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Donnell Tanadi
Hi all
We have implemented the ability to "Share dashboard on behalf of creator" which leverages a view based on the creator's permissions. This can be found in the Share button which is located on the top right of each of your dashboards.
Please let me know in the comments if this does not meet your needs,
Thank you for your submission and votes!
Donnell Tanadi
under review
Erica Schroder
Couldn't agree more - leadership/exec level doesn't need access to Gantt views or the craziness of projects. They need the data in the dashboards but will never venture into other parts of the tool