Ability to customize Project Home Page
Andrew Naisawald
The sections or widgets of the Project Home Page are static. Being able to toggle on or off certain sections of the Project Home page as well as view more data reporting about the project would help teams see a big picture of their projects
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Ida Anderman
It would be good to be able to export some information from the Project Home Page to be able to present the project in ppt, or as a pdf page.
Kelley Bunge
Gary Barton
Kelley Bunge: what exactly are we going to see and when? Thanks!
Kelley Bunge
in progress
Kelley Bunge
Marika Barner
Kelley Bunge: YAAAAAAS! THANK YOU!!!
Marika Barner
Would also be nice to have the ability to hyperlink in the project overview section too
Marika Barner
Would also be great to be able to format text appearance. Right now on the page, it's really difficult to read some of the information. If I enter multiple items in a custom field for client names, I'm entering like the first picture, and after I save, the text is formatted like the second picture (difficult to read, no spacing)
Marika Barner
I'd love to be able to add other things in here too like forms. This page holds 30,000 foot overview, and it would be nice to have forms associated with this too!!