
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


For users who use a Hive API, we've added the ability to make changes to agile sprint directly from the API.
Users can now retrieve agile sprint name and story points in 'Get Action' as well as post sprint and story points for an action card in 'Update Action'.
Thank you to
for requesting this feature!
We've added a new setting to allow users to choose whether completed subactions are shown expanded or collapsed by default. This can be adjusted at both the workspace and project levels.
In workspace settings, there is now a checkbox under project default settings labeled "Show completed subactions by default," which is unchecked by default. If checked, all completed subactions will be shown expanded with the option to hide them.
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At the project level, there is a new setting in the advanced settings of the 'edit' menu called "Show completed subactions by default," which will apply to all action cards in the project. New projects will default to the workspace setting; however, the project-level setting will override the workspace setting.
Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 2
Thank you to
TDG Marketing
Merkury Innovations
, and
Edison Creative Group
for voting on this feature!
To allow for more customization in project privacy and reduce room for error, we've added a new option to allow only admins to edit a project template.
Find this setting by selecting project members and scrolling to "Permissions" in the Project Template Edit menu. From here, project owners and admins can choose whether or not all members or just admins can edit a template.
If the "Project owner and Admins only" option is selected, all regular members will not be able to edit the template at all.
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Thank you to
The Grant Plant
for requesting this feature!
For bigger teams or large projects, we've made it possible to edit more than one project member at once instead of having to manually delete/add each user.
In Project Navigator, the "Add people to projects" button is now "Manage project members". Within the menu, you can choose to mass-invite users to projects or mass-remove users from projects.
Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 12
Thank you to
Electronic Arts
for requesting this feature!
We've added some key updates to Proofing & Approval templates. Approval Templates are now available as a tab in the Templates section of Workspace Settings, making it easier and quicker to access. Approval Templates can also be edited, previewed, created, and deleted.
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To learn more, check out our video here.
Previously, there was no ability to reset approval rounds in Proofing and Approvals. To avoid having to completely delete and re-add an approval round, we've created a "Reset Round" option.
In the "More" Menu of each approval round, there is a "Reset Round" option. Selecting this option clears out all stage responses and kicks the round back off from the first stage.
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**When resetting a round, you will be prompted to Confirm. Resetting approvals round will remove all completed approvals within the round, which cannot be undone.
Thank you to
for requesting this feature!
We've made it easier to enable specific custom fields for certain workspace projects. Now, in Workspace Settings -> Custom fields, users can click the number of projects under "Used in" to see/edit projects for the specific custom field.
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Thank you to
City of Mesa
, and
at MindGym for voting on this feature!
Action card statuses help determine where teams are at in terms of progress, but often times, stakeholders need a clearer picture of project & task progress — especially actions that have a longer timeline and are not 100% completed.
We've added a manual slider on action cards in Gantt View to determine % complete. In the "Configure" panel of a project, scroll down to the "Display" section. There is now a checkbox to "Display percent complete".
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When the checkbox is clicked, actions in Gantt will show percentages. To change a percentage, click the slider (carrot) icon and drag to your preferred percentage.
Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 11
Thank you to
for requesting this feature!
Previously, action card comments could only be sorted by the default option of oldest to newest.
Not only is the comment box now sticky to the bottom of the card, users can now click 'sort' to switch the order so that the newest comment is at the top (or vice versa).
Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 12
Thank you to
for requesting this feature!
Dragging an action in Table View to an action with existing subactions makes the dragged action a subaction; however, this was previously not possible for top-level actions.
Now, users can drag an action over a top-level action in Table View to convert it to a subaction of that action (similar to Gantt view). This speeds up subaction creation by removing the previous back-and-forth process.
Thank you to
for requesting this feature!
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